How do I update my EndNote citations automatically with PMCID numbers?


Use Endnote's "Find Reference Updates" feature, which checks for reference updates, including PMCIDs, in PubMed and Web of Science.


  1. Select one or more references in your library.
  2. In the References menu, click Find Reference Updates…
  3. If Endnote finds updates, it will open a new window highlighting available changes.
  4. For the first reference, click Update All Fields or Update Empty Fields. You will be given the option of doing so for all remaining updates or reviewing each reference update individually.


Note: Endnote may miss PMCIDs for some records. If you need to include PMCIDs in a bibliography (e.g. for an NIH biosketch), and any records are missing PMCIDs after running these updates, you should check each reference's record in PubMed for a PMCID or use the NCBI ID Converter.


  • Last Updated Oct 17, 2024
  • Views 42
  • Answered By Corinne Miller

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